Watch The Tesla Model X Partake In Some Actual Hardcore Off-Roading

Watch The Tesla Model X Partake In Some Actual Hardcore Off-Roading

by | Apr 28, 2020

Category: EV's


There have been many videos in the past showing people off-roading in their Tesla Model X. Now, some channels are promoting the Model Y as an off-roader. On the flip side, others are saying that leaving the pavement in either Tesla crossover is just a bad idea. So, what’s the truth?

As you can see from the video above, the Tesla Model X is definitely capable of handling difficult off-road situations. This is due to its dual-motor all-wheel-drive setup, incredible instant torque, highly advanced traction control, and low and even center of gravity. It also has the ability to go through deep water without harm to the powertrain. Watching the video reminds us of tackling a similar course in the Jaguar I-Pace in Portugal.

With that said, the Model X isn’t designed as an off-road vehicle. Sure, it has the power and ability, but its suspension system isn’t set up for such tasks. In addition, it doesn’t have high ground clearance. Chances are, if you take your Model X or Model Y on a course like this, you’ll probably make it through, but your car may be in need of major repair when it’s all said and done.

If you must leave the pavement, and you end up in a situation even remotely similar to the one in the video, take it very slow. As you can see, the driver in the video isn’t taking any chances. It would be sad to see the ~$100,000 premium family-hauler destroyed due to stupid driving choices.

Video Description via Car CAM Special Police on YouTube:

Car CAM direct hit-TESLA to play off-road


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2020-04-28 13:05:09

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