It’s Epic And So Much Fun

It’s Epic And So Much Fun

by | Apr 27, 2020

Category: EV's


This game of Jenga includes a lot of friends, a Tesla Model X, some gambling of sorts, and a ton of high-speed pulls. It looks like a ton of fun, doesn’t it?

We’ve all played some Jenga before right? And many of us have even played what we thought was giant Jenga, but giant doesn’t even begin to describe the size of this Jenga setup.

The cardboard boxes are the Jenga pieces and they are stacked high. Probably something like 10 to 12 feet tall. Some of the boxes have prizes, like up to $1,000, while other boxes are losers (-$20 or even bankrupt). The goal is to make as much money as possible without knocking the tower over. 

Sounds easy, right? Well, the catch is that you use the Model X to pull the cardboard boxes from the tower and that’s where it gets really interesting. The best method for pulling the boxes seems to be accelerating as quickly as possible and that’s where the entertainment comes in. Of course, the speed and instant torque of a Tesla is preferred for pulling the boxes out swiftly, but as you’ll see in the video, the drivers are shocked by how fast they end up going to complete a pull.

Next time you play giant Jenga just remember that it’s probably not as GIANT as this set and certainly doesn’t have the same sort of need-for-speed element found here.


Video description via Ryan Trahan on YouTube:

Playing Giant Jenga With A Tesla



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2020-04-27 13:11:43

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