A Laundry List Of Complaints

A Laundry List Of Complaints

by | May 2, 2020

Category: EV's


While some people argue that most complaints about Tesla vehicles are nit-picky, others believe that the company has a long way to go and needs to address many issues. Both opinions are reasonable and justified, depending on how you look at things. However, we give more weight to either opinion if comes from a Tesla owner. 

Tesla’s vehicles are vastly different than any other cars on the market today. This is clear in some obvious ways, such as their powertrain, range, styling, interior tech, over-the-air updates, and more. However, more importantly, while the automaker’s cars don’t fit into the category of mainstream and affordable, they also aren’t luxury cars. 

Tesla calls its vehicles “premium.” The consensus on auto media websites is that they’re classified as luxury. Based on price, they match up more with luxury-mobiles than they do with non-luxury cars. When you pay a premium for a car, especially if you’ve owned luxury vehicles in the past, you may have certain expectations.

While the Model 3 is a nice car, it’s not super fancy. It’s Tesla’s entry-level “mainstream” vehicle. If you’ve only owned budget vehicles, the Model 3 probably seems pretty nice. What we’re saying here is everyone is entitled to their opinion, and those opinions are usually based on previous experience.

YouTuber and Tesla owner Alex Siblia is yet another Tesla owner that loves Tesla and loves his Model 3, but is clearly unhappy with many specifics. Some of his complaints are related to Tesla’s cost-cutting efforts and quality issues, and others are related to software bugs and tech problems. 

Check out Sibila’s video and his text below. Then, hit up our comment section and let us know how you see it.

Video Description via Alex Sibila on YouTube:

Everything Wrong with my Tesla Model 3 after 6 months

So first off, there’s a few things they’ve completely removed from earlier models of the car, which is kinda weird because they aren’t huge expensive pieces.

Things like the dead pedal, there used to be a rubber piece right here on the left side, but it’s just a big piece of carpet. If you watched Andy Slye’s recent video he talks about the dead pedal and I’m definitely on board with getting rid of this completely. In my old car there was some room to put my foot between the brake and the dead pedal but there is not enough room here and it can be uncomfortable on long drives.

There’s also no mat in the front trunk, but you can still order this from the Tesla website. I don’t use the frunk too often, but when I do I’d like to have some sort of mat in here to avoid things sliding around while driving.

Also missing in the front trunk is the little grocery clips to hold grocery bags. These literally cost like $2 so I don’t know why they would remove these.

There have also been a few software bugs, but that’s expected being a literal rolling computer. I mentioned it in my Tesla delivery review video, but when I picked up my car, it wasn’t even running the latest software at the time. V10 had just come out and my brand new car was still running Version 9. Not a huge deal, but I would have liked to have the latest software from delivery.

I’ve also had an issue with my driver’s side mirror not saving in the correct place. I like to have it pointed all the way up, and sometimes when I hop in the car and check the mirror, it has slipped down a bit lower than where it was set. Not sure if this is a software issue or not, but every time it happens I have to go back into my settings, re-adjust the mirror, and get it in the right spot.

Spotify has also had its fair share of troubles, it never wants to load when I first start the car, I always have to click another streaming service before it kicks in. This is definitely not an isolated issue, I’ve seen a lot of other people have this same problem. You also can’t load podcasts in Spotify for some reason, which is kind of a pain because if I’m listening to something in my car, I’d like to pick up where I left off on my phone.

Autopilot also took a while before it was really rock-solid on the highway. Not many people know this but your car has to calibrate before you can use autopilot for the first time. Obviously they try to get these cameras in exactly the right spot in the factory, but every car is a little bit different, so they wrote some code to help calibrate the cameras specific to each car. This took like 5 minutes to calibrate the first time, but even the first 3000 miles or so I had some issues with autopilot ping-ponging inside the lane. It wasn’t abrupt, just a slight drift from side to side, but still something I had to keep an eye on while driving. I’m at 6500 miles right now and these issues have almost completely disappeared. My guess is with a few software updates and more calibration as I’ve driven more has helped the whole autopilot system improve.

As far as actual physical things wrong with the car, I really haven’t had any issues with my car beside a few trim pieces that I had repaired, but both of those were covered under the new vehicle warranty.


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2020-05-02 14:00:00

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